EXPERTKRAV MAGA An Expert in Krav Maga in Guerrilla is not just a teacher or a fighter with technical skills, but represents much more. 1. Technical Excellence 2. Strategic Thinking 4. Mental and Physical Strength 5. Contribution to the Krav Maga Community Overall, a Krav Maga Expert is the symbol o ...

LEVELSKRAV MAGA In Krav Maga, training levels are typically categorized into three main stages: Practitioner, Graduate, and Expert. Each of these stages includes various sub-levels that represent the student's progress and experience. Let's break down each stage: 1. Practitioner Level Description: T ...

TRXPROGRAM I don’t need machines I am one ! TRX Suspension Training is a form of exercise that uses straps with handles, which are anchored to a fixed point and allow for a wide variety of exercises using your body weight. TRX, which stands for "Total Resistance eXercise," was developed by the U.S. ...

KETTLEBELLSPROGRAM A Kettlebell is a traditional Russian cast-iron that resembles a cannonball with a handle. Kettlebells have been used since the 17th century by Russian weightlifters and nowadays, they are also very popular in America. Kettlebells are the optimal training for everyone who wants to ...

CALISTHENICSPROGRAM The word calisthenics comes from the ancient Greek words kallos, which means ¨perfect¨, and sthenos, meaning ¨strength¨. Calisthenics is inspired by the training technique taught to warriors in ancient Greece and requires full mind and body concentration. It is a form of exercise ...

KRAV MAGA TEENAGERPROGRAM Krav Maga is considered globally one of the best self-defense systems for children. Except initiating him/her into the principles of respect and discipline, Krav Maga training helps a child to: Learn how to recognize common threats, such as bullies and abductors. Improve hi ...

MILITARY KRAV MAGAPROGRAM Tactical Krav Maga focuses on Krav Maga techniques used by the military, police and private security (security, armed and unarmed). In Tactical Krav Maga we focus on defense techniques, as well as attack techniques, with various weapons, as well as suppression techniques. A ...

KRAV MAGAPROGRAM Krav Maga, the name in Hebrew can be translated as “contact fight”, is a self-defense system created by the Israeli Imi Lichtenfeld. It is a system of practical techniques that focus on self-defense, as well as the protection of others while offering the trainee unique and highly so ...

Private lessons are tailored to your goals. We can focus on Krav Maga, strength building, weight loss/muscle gain, or a combination of all of these. The lessons are based on your own schedule and days that are convenient for you. For further information contact by phone 6944222877 or by e-mail. Join ...